Local businesses in Indianapolis are suffering as crime rates in the city continue to rise. According to the indianapolis crime news and Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, there was a 16 percent increase in homicides in 2017 compared to the previous year. This is the highest murder rate in the city in more than a decade.

In addition to the increase in homicides, there was also a 12 percent increase in robberies and a 6 percent increase in car thefts. Businesses are being targeted by criminals, and many are struggling to stay afloat.

The rise in crime is having a ripple effect on the local economy. Businesses are losing money, and employees are losing their jobs. The city is also losing tax revenue as businesses close their doors.

The increase in crime is putting a strain on the police department. The department is understaffed and overworked. The department is also struggling to keep up with the latest technology.

The rise in crime is a major concern for the city of Indianapolis. Local businesses are suffering, and the economy is taking a hit. The police department is struggling to keep up. The city needs to find a way to reduce the crime rate and make Indianapolis a safe place to live and work.
The city of Indianapolis is taking steps to reduce the crime rate. The city has allocated $1 million to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department to help with staffing and training. The city is also working with the private sector to create more jobs.

The city is also working on a plan to reduce the number of vacant and abandoned properties. These properties are often used by criminals as a place to hide or store weapons. The city is working to demolish these properties and make them available for redevelopment.

The city is also working to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. The city is investing in parks, recreation centers, and libraries. The city is also working to improve public transportation.

The city of Indianapolis is taking steps to reduce the crime rate. The city is working to create more jobs, demolish abandoned properties, and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods. The city is committed to making Indianapolis a safe place to live and work.
The city of Indianapolis is taking steps to reduce the crime rate, but it will take time to see results. Businesses are struggling, and the economy is taking a hit. The police department is struggling to keep up. The city needs to find a way to reduce the crime rate and make Indianapolis a safe place to live and work.