The most popular form of cosmetic surgery for the modern woman is rhinoplasty. It is a procedure that is intended to reshape the nose and mouth and give you the perfect nose that you have always wanted. But looking at just the other side of her face, there isn’t much more for the plastic surgeon to work with to enhance her appearance. You can choose from many different facial structures and liposuction methods. But you can also get an enhancement through rhinoplasty that doesn’t involve surgery – that is called non-surgical rhinoplasty.

For example, you can add some volume to your lips using Vaser Plastic Surgery or if you want to eliminate some unwanted fat from your cheeks, you can try Smartlipo. In addition to these non-surgical procedures, some plastic surgeons are able to re-contour the nose for patients who have a deviated septum, a bony horns, a big forehead, nasal bridge problems, or nasal congestion. These people are usually looking to enhance their whole face rather than just one area. Some rhinoplasty surgeries can also help people who have a nasal bridge that has become stretched.

Click here and check out a good rhinoplasty consultation will take the time to determine what your nasal characteristics are and whether any of them need to be improved. Because some of these characteristics are permanent, like the nasal bridge, it might be necessary to have rhinoplasty after some years. Your cosmetic nose specialist will evaluate all of your characteristics and suggest the best solution for you. Most rhinoplasties are performed on an outpatient basis.

When you go to the Los Angeles rhinoplasty consultation, your cosmetic nose specialist will ask you several questions. They will start with an evaluation to see if you have any nasal deformities such as a deviated septum, enlarged nasal bridge, or nasal congestion. The doctor will then likely order a series of tests to check for any structural issues that might be causing your problem. For example, if you have an extra nostril at the edge of your nose, it could cause your nasal bridge to tilt forward because it is not properly supported. He or she may also order an MRI or CT scan to see if your nasal bridge is pressing on your windpipe.

After the tests have been completed and you have been approved for a rhinoplasty surgery, your plastic surgeon will then sit down with you and look at your nasal bridge, nasal bones, and cartilage. They will look for any possible problems and design a closed rhinoplasty procedure that uses these parts to reshape your nose. You can learn more about your rhinoplasty procedure, including what to expect from your surgery online.

Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to give you specific instructions about what to expect from your new nose. You can take advantage of a comprehensive glossary of terms at your rhinoplasty consultation to ensure that you are better prepared to understand what you read. Your surgeon will also give you a list of activities that will need to be completed before your surgery. This should include not only the healing process but also details on post-operative care. A well-chosen surgeon can make the recovery from rhinoplasty surgery a pleasant experience.

For more information about rhinoplasty in Portland Oregon visit The Portland Rhinoplasty Center and talk to board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr William Portuese.